Monday 18 January 2010

Progress Tutorial

Strengths I have developed during Level 05.

During this second year I have found that I have gained a lot more confidence than I had during Level 04,
Around my fellow students,
speaking about my work to others,
presenting my work to other,
also explaining my ideas.

My attitude towards the course have changed this year,
I knew I had to come into it with a confidence boost,
knowing it was going to be a hard work, a lot more of a challenge compared to last year.

Using my time better,
Using the studio space, and the amount of time a day in there and options around us.
Time Management, planning my work, doing it with a few spare days/hours to edit what needs doing.

Weakness I Have developed during Level 05.

To be fare I can't think of many weaknesses,
I feel compared to last year i have improved,
I had jumpy start with a few incidents, but minus that I feel I have just got stronger and gained more than lost.

I suppose I could mention my folder hand in during the first module,
with lack

My first hand in wasn't to great,
Lack of money and printing made my folio look weak and unprofessional.

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