Monday 7 December 2009


What Is A C.V?

- Information about you, and your qualities as a worker.
- Summarising what you have done in the past, school, college, university, recent jobs.
- Information selling yourself, so a company can get in touch if they're impressed.
- A way of putting yourself out there as a client.
- A piece of information about yourself that a company can keep hold of, so they can read about you and have your contact details if they are interested.

What Should A CV Contain?

- Contact Details.
- Information about yourself.
- Recent jobs.
- Recent places attended; college, universities, placements.
- Enough information to sell yourself, as the person wanting the job.

What Is A Portfolio?

- A collection of someones work, to show industries or clients.
- Evidences of past work.
- College portfolio, University portfolio, Work portfolio, Portfolio for different stages of study.
- A well presented collection of work to help get jobs.
- Work you have put together through your time of study and work.

What Should A Portfolio Contain?

- Best pieces of work.
- Work that will impress industries.
- Showing you have skills, not a one trick pony.
- Work that shows you know what you're doing.
- Creative and clever work.

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