Kick starting this brief with trying to find a partner, so we had to design some advertising posters, to advertise what it is we want from our partner, one poster representing yourself and your qualities, and the next poster advertising what you want in a partner.
After a workshop of doing that activity, I found my partner in the form of Marc Redhead.
We spent a good few hours dissecting and speaking about the briefs, narrowed it down to three, o2, HMV, Bacardi then after a discussion, and deciding what would be our best approach we finally came to a conclusion that we wanted to work on the Bacardi brief together.
We came up with a lot of designs and ideas, ranging from packaging, idents/advertisments, re-branding and a poster campaign,
We spent a lot of the time of the briefing working with the different options, we mainly focused on working on a ident/advertisment & packaging for the item.
Crits, to us where a massive help, cause we had periods where we where struggling to nail an idea, and out fellow students brought up some ideas that helped up develop.
We had a numerous crits, getting good feedback and comments about our ideas, and it wasn't till the last crit we realised we had been taking the wrong direction for a long time,
with a week left we came up with a solid idea, we where both convinced its strong and would make a good portfolio piece if we pulled it off, so we put the ident/advertising & packaging ideas aside, and focusing on a poster campaign to promote the product, as we both decided we feel our strongest point of design is advertising and promoting items in the form of posters.
Cause we spent so much time working with ident/advertising & packaging ideas we didn’t have much time left, one week. Within this week we had to get some layouts and the ideas down on paper and also get the resolutions done
so as a pair we came in the last weekend before deadline, with all the equipment we needed, camera and items for the images. We where to late and unorganised to book the one of the photo studio, as it was a busy time of year for major project for photography students, it was fully booked.
So we had to make do with a make shift studio, the images came out fine, alot better than we expected as a pair, and that day we editted and done what needed to be done to the images, including adding the logo and text, we ended up with 18 different resolutions, from going from nothing with a week to go, to having 18 well designed posters with a week in hand, we where very happy with our outcomes.
Working with Marc was a pleasure, I feel as a pair we worked well, both putting ideas into the generator, both being honest if anything wasn't working,
worked well together in and outside the studio, keeping each other up to date with everything & as a pair I feel we developed and created some really nice final pieces of work. Something we can be both be proud of and use for our portfolio.
Overall, with this brief I feel it went well, got a lot of work done, and some pieces of work that we can be proud of and be proud to put into our portfolio, as well as the work, I feel the partnership worked well as mention above. Although we spent a lot of time doing worked that we didn’t end up doing, I personally think we could have done something a lot stronger with the idea we had, made it a lot better and stronger if we could have used that time, but that aside we still feel we done well and produced some good, appealing work.